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Author Guidelines

Suggestions for Authors

Please try to complete all requested documents and writing rules for delivering an article. This helps you both by speeding up the evaluation process of the article and provides convenience for publication. Every evaluation process (secretariat, editor, field editor) of the article please do not hesitate to contact. You can contact with the corresponding person by his/her JEB e-mail address.

If article has an history (a conference note, it is turned into an article after proceeding in a conference, article is prepared to show the outcomes of a research Project or generated from a thesis work, etc…), please declare this situation with a postscript. If you do not get any feedback from the Editor about your article within six weeks, you can contact immediately.

We kindly suggest to the experienced authors to read all the directives carefully and applying them as it is stated. You have right of defense to reply the comments coming from Editor or Referee and the comments are groundless/unnecessary. You can write your defense about the article and when you send it to the Editor, your defense is delivered to Referees and the reply of the referee will be waiting. This reply is also transferred to the author and at the end of these correspondences a final decision is given.

Debates between author and editor (through the opinions of Referee) can be sustained at most two years and is ended based on the debates. Authors as long as following the scientific methods and providing scientific proofs are free to put forward every kind of idea. Responsibility of the ideas belongs to the author, and it does not reflect the opinions of JEB. JEB is very sensitive about plagiarism. Even in the smallest indication of plagiarism, JEB indefinitely stops all the connection with the author and rejects any article that has the name of the author(s) even in the Secretariat stage.

Writing Rules

JEB follows APA format as citation system. (Please click for APA examples.)

For all the writing rules "Annotated Sample Manuscript" can refer to the year.

JEB has 40 pages of limit for an article. References are included in this limitation but this limitation can be exceeded with possible appendices.

Full articles should be written in Word Format, font type as Times New Roman, size 11 points font with single spaced lines. In a Word document, page margins from left and right should be 4,5 cm for top margin, 3 cm for bottom margin. There is no space among the paragraphs. Indent should be “0,5 cm” in the first line of the paragraphs. Title of the article should be written in Times New Roman size 16 point as centered. All text, excluding tables, equation, graphs and maps should be justified.

Article should contain a short abstract that includes minimum 100 words and maximum 300 words. Abstract should be in Times New Roman size 10 point. The title of the article should be clear, explicit, original and represent the content of the article. In accordance with the title, 3-5 AEA-JEL codes and 3-5 key words should be given. If the full article is in Turkish, an extended English summary up to 1000-1500 words should be prepared.

References should be written in Times New Roman 10 points with single spaced lines. Indent should be “0,5 cm” in the first line of every references. There should not be any space or blank line among the references. APA rules are valid for giving references and reference information. (Click here for APA examples.)

Footnotes should not be given within the full text, if it is needed to do, this should be written as an endnote before the references in Times New Roman 10 points with single spaced line without an indent.

Starting from the introduction all the titles in the article should be numerated with Arabic figures (1,2,3, etc.). Numerated first level-heads should be written Times New Roman 14 points in bold with indent 0,5 cm. All other subheadings (1.1. or 1.1.2 etc.) should be Times New Roman 12 points in italics-normal with 0,5 cm. indent. Although references are not numerated, the title of References should be in font size 14, in bold. For all the titles in the text only the first letter of the word should be upper-case letter, and the rest should be lower- case letter.

Tables are titled and numerated sequentially, if any explanation or referencing are needed, it should be mentioned under the table. Tables should be prepared in Excel format and then placed at the relevant part of the article. Tables are to be prepared in Times New Roman 11 points with single space line without any indent. Number of the tables should be written in bold with upper-case letters, and only the first letters of the title with upper-case letters in italics. Explanations should be written in Times New Roman in 10 points with single spaced line without any indent. Graphics are also numerated sequentially and titled. The number and the title of the graphics should be positioned under the graphic area. Graphics and tables can not be positioned vertically, they can be placed horizontally on the page (full page and the writing rules should remain same) that has only the graphic and the table.

If citation from the resource is too long, it should be written as a separate paragraph using with quotation marks in Times New Roman in 10 points. Long quotation can be described as citation of 5 and more than 5 lines from the original resource.

All itemizations about one topic should be written that every item at one line without any space or blank among the lines but with 0.5 cm indents. A number, letter or bullet can be used by each item based on the authors’ wish.

Equations must be prepared by using "Word’s Equation Editor" and each equation should be numerated. Equations must be written from the paragraph indent and indent must be from the inside, and the number of the equations must be aligned to the right hand side of the page and end of line in parenthesis.

The authors’ due to the contributions to the article can be given under the title of "Thanks" before References section.

Please check Sample Manuscript where all the writing rules can be found. (Click here for Sample Manuscript)

Especially for an applied article, the articles of last 3 years that is written in the relevant JEB codes should be seen and if needed, they should be cited. It is kindly recommended that at least 30% percentage of the number of total cited sources should be taken the articles which covered by SSCI and Scopus.

Authors, who want to publish their articles, should send their articles digitally on JEB web-page. Any other delivery forms does not take into consideration.

Please do not hesitate to contact [email protected] (or [email protected]) for all issues about publication process and before.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Article and cover: Article should not contain any information (name, address, institution, e-mail address) about author(s). Besides, full article should be prepared according to the below mentioned writing guidelines and page numbers should not be given. Cover page should contain the title of article, information about the author(s)(if there is more than one author, for each of them-name, surname, title, institution, e-mail and address info, responsible author etc. should also be stated), abstract, key words and AEA-JEL codes. All the files should be sent in Word format. (Example: Full Manuscript, Cover Page)
  2. Conflict of Interest Statement: For each article sent to JEB, authors(for more than one author, the responsible author) are supposed to send a signed declaration in JPEG format in order to show there is not any conflict of interest between the institution/organization they work for and JEB. (Please click here for the document.)
  3. Declaration of originality: Author(or responsible author) should prepare a signed declaration in JPEG format in order to show that the proposed work did not publish anywhere before, did not send anywhere in order to be evaluated, so that all work  submitted must be author’s own work based on scientific ethic and must not be plagiarized from other sources.(Please click here for the document)
  4. The data set: In all applied works, all the data in Excel file and the links of these resources in Word file should be send and also both of them together should be sent in Zip format. (Click here for an example), (Click here for an .zip file).
  5. Table, graphs and supplementary materials: All tables, graphs, figures, maps and other visual materials that stated in the article should be given in "a separate Word file". This separate file should also contain all the supplementary materials at the end of the article. (click here for an example)
  6. Copyright transfer: An article that was decided to publish, when it is in publishing process, a signed document in JPEG format is asked from the author to transfer the copyright. (Click here for an example)

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This article licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license (4.0)


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Creative Commons License
This article licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license