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GÜL, Özlem S.
GUO, Joanne, <span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Assistant Professor of Economics and Finance<br /> Ernest C. Trefz School of Business | University of Bridgeport<br /> 202 Mandeville Hall | 230 Park Avenue | Bridgeport, CT 06604<br /> 203.57
GUZMAN, Jorge Luis, Universidad del Pacifico


HANKE, Steve H., The Johns Hopkins University
HATTORI, Masahiko, Faculty of Economics, Doshisha University
HAVI, Emmanuel D.K., Methodist University College Ghana
HELPMAN, Elhanan
HON, Tai-Yuen, Department of Economics and Finance Hong Kong Shue Yan University Braemar Hill, North Point Hong Kong
HON, Tai-Yuen, Hong Kong Shue Yan University Braemar Hill, North Point Hong Kong Research Affiliate Business, Economic and Public Policy Research Centre Hong Kong Shue Yan University 10 Wai Tsui Crescent, Braemar Hill, North Point Hong Kong CHINA Email: tyhon@h
HON, Tai-Yuen, Hong Kong Shue Yan University Department of Economics and Finance 10 Wai Tsui Crescent, Braemar Hill Road, North Point Hong Kong
HU, Zhaoguang, State Grid EnergyResearch Institute, Future Science & Technology Park, Beiqijia, Changping, Beijing, 102209 P.R. China
HUANG, Kuan-Chun, <p class="Body1" align="center">Granduate,</p><p class="Body1" align="center">IMBA, I-Shou University</p>No.1, Sec. 1, Syuecheng Rd., Dashu District, Kaohsiung City 84001,Taiwan, R.O.C
HUANG, Wenyi, <p>Doctoral student, Postgraduate Programs in Management, I-Shou University</p><p>Kaomei Junior College of Health Care &amp; Management</p>
HUSSAIN, Khadim, Department of Economics, Mirpur University of Science &amp; Technology, Mirpur, AJK, Pakistan


IBHAGUI, Oyakhilome, <strong>:</strong> Wallace Ibhagui, Department of Economics, D3-06 Keynes College, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NP, UK. Phone: +00 + 44 (0)1227824319. Fax: +00 +44 (0)1227 827850. Email: [email protected]
IBRAHIM, Lanre R., Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences,&lt;/p&gt;University of Lagos
IDRIS, Mansur, bDepartment of Economics, Faculty of Social and Management Sciences, Bayero UniversityKano, P.M.B. 3011, Kano-Nigeria.
IMBOGO, Zakayo G.N., Kenyatta University
INSUKINDRO, Insukindro, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia E-mail address: [email protected] or [email protected] Tel: +62-274-548517; Fax: +62-274-580765
ISHII, Takaharu
IVANOV, Bozhidar


JAELANI, Aan, Faculty of Sharia and Islamic Economic IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia Jl. Perjuangan By Pass Sunyaragi Cirebon 45132

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