Rögnvaldur Hannesson, Ecofundamentalism: A Critique of Extreme Environmentalism



Abstract. Professor Rögnvaldur Hannesson, an authority on natural resource management, has written a well-argued, even if polemical, book against ecofundamentalism, which, for him, puts nature before man. He cogently discusses the difficulties in applying notions of sustainability and biodiversity to the human condition and suggests that in the foreseeable future mankind should continue mainly to use fossil fuels as energy sources. Hannesson regards models of global warming as scientific, but as too uncertain for mankind radically to alter its way of life.

Keywords. Environmental economics, Resource economics.

JEL. Q20, Q30, Q50.


Environmental economics; Resource economics.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1453/jel.v3i2.870


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