Selection of Logistics Center Location with MOORA Method for Black Sea Region of Turkey



Abstract. Logistics activities are becoming more important with the increase in global competition.  For this reason logistic centers are being established in order to facilitate logistic activities and to provide a more effective realization. The interest in the logistic center is increasing all over the world. Our country is also aimed to establish logistics centers in different regions for development plans.  In this study, which provinces would be appropriate for the establishment of logistic centers in the Black Sea region is determined with MOORA Method using by 10 different criteria. While Samsun takes the first place in the results of analysis to establish the logistic center, Trabzon and Zonguldak are considered available cities to build logistic center.

Keywords. Logistic center, MOORA, Location problem.

JEL. J61, L86, Q55.


Logistic center; MOORA; Location problem.

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