Engaging communication and adherence to blood donation. An experiment on the impact of the preparatory act on the manifestation of retroactive behavioral intention in Cameroonian context

Sabine Célestine ETA-FOUDA BIDZOA, Serge Clement MANY KONO


Abstract. The derailment of the train linking Yaoundé to Douala on October 21, 2016 gave special emotional resonance to the need for blood donation. The high number of victims and the horror of experiencing the loss of a life due to lack of blood has accentuated this issue. The daily calls for blood donations in hospitals, however, do not enjoy the same empathy. As a result, equally moving tragedies unfortunately occur in complete anonymity. The aim of this project is to set up a communication protocol to encourage young adults in our high schools, colleges and universities to give blood. Engaging communication, combined with two types of preparatory acts, is our conceptual basis for addressing this problem. As a result, behavioral induction, employing both narrative and argumentative preparatory acts, leads to the manifestation of the intention to adhere to blood donation in the participants of this study.

Keywords. Intra-industry trade; Imperfect competition; Classical theories of trade.

JEL. F11; F12; F13.


Intra-industry trade; Imperfect competition; Classical theories of trade.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1453/jeb.v10i1-2.2439


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