UMTEB-2017 1st International Congress on Vocational and technical Sciences



Abstract. UMTEB-2017 1st Internatıonal Congress On Vocational And Technical Sciences was held first of its conference series on April 08-10, 2017, at Batumi, Gorgia. This congress organized by Institution of Economic Development and Social Researches (IKSAD). The purpose of congress is to present their research papers in the areas of vocational, technical, politics, economics and social. On the first day of the conference, four panels were made after the opening speeches. The second day sessions were held in parallel on four seas. Average of five presentations were planned to be delivered in each session.  In general, the topics of parallel sessions was about to technical sciences, occupational sciences, social studies, literature, history, economic research and political research. Submitted papers as well as presentations and discussions at the conference was conducted in English or Turkish In this way, it was more participation in conference and scholars have opportunity to share easily their academic studies. The papers presented in this congress will be considered in the conference book, in full text or in abstract, after review process. In terms of importance of the conference was highly informative and to provide significant out comes to its participants.

Keywords. Global economic crisis, Fiscalpolicy, National government expenditures and related policies, National fund.

JEL. H12, E62, H50, H69.


Global economic crisis; Fiscalpolicy; National government expenditures and related policies; National Fund.

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Journal of Economics Bibliography - J. Econ. Bib.  - JEB -

ISSN: 2149-2387.

Editor: [email protected]  Secretarial: [email protected]  Istanbul - Turkey.

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